The Saga Continues

The Saga Continues

If you found this file in an archive then put keyword "nutteing3" in a search engine to find a live / recent version. This and associated files have been on the internet more than 3 years now, known to all concerned in Wiltshire and strange as it may seem nothing libellous in any of the files. The 1996 Defamation Act amended the Limitation Act of 1980 to give a time limit of one year for any libel action. I informed all the corrupt bastards in Wiltshire in 2000 and since then have received no rebuttal letters from individuals or solicitors and no writs.

But of course the main reason there is no libel is the files are just straight reporting of events without any invention on my part. Anyone thinking otherwise is implying that the law officers of Wiltshire County Council do not know how to handle a simple defamation case. All the files have been recorded (on ) totally independently with the first file archived on 19 September 2000 and more than 40 versions of the files over the months and years since.

Updated file Jul, 2011

Despite official government sites linking to these files there are still corrupt persons knocking out my sites, so for the purposes of searchengines cross-linking them, files no longer available on the original web hosting sites were on , , , and and (last 3 due now to host failure) ,
I've not had time to write up the story yet so for the moment some letters and odd bits and pieces, more like a "weblog". As in the previous file editorial comment is contained within square brackets [ ... ...].

Résumé of the whole Saga

The conspiracy starts with a woman in her early twenties desparately wanting a baby but her male partner is infertile. She hitches up with me and for good measure she sleeps around and soon becomes pregnant. She leaves me long before the birth so she and her real beloved can perjurously register the birth of her daughter with him as the father. Later, I like a fool, plead to this woman for her and her daughter to return to me. This she does but returns to sleeping around with renewed vigour and promptly becomes pregnant again. Once again she leaves me but this time her soul-mate decided not to perjure himself again so the boy is registered illegitimate.
Years pass by and the woman becomes a social worker. In 1996 her daughter now aged 19 by means still not divulged discovers my identity and contacts me as her father based on very spurious evidence. This is considered OK but me contacting my son with strong corroborative evidence is considered outrageous. The social worker mother decides the only way to sway me is to come over to Hampshire and in psychotic rage go on a thousand pound window smashing spree. In the process of sending written notice to this woman about taking her to small claims court for compensation I am arrested for harassment. In the intervening time this social worker had conspired with one of her managers to submit a forged letter plus other provably perjurous statements about me to the police. For good measure most of the rest of her extended family also make perjurous or rich statements to the police. Right from the first court appearance the CPS would not supply the evidence. Just before automatic abuse of process (6 months delay) the CPS finally send me "notice of discontinuance" of the ridiculous case against me. But then the director of social services decided to continue to make threats to prosecute me. For an unfathomable reason this family wanted me to go public with the story, reinforced by their wish to take it all to court. So here in this file and associated files is the whole bizarre story firmly placed in the public domain.

On the scheduled day of the trial yet another misrepresentational phone call . At least this time recorded on tape. Who do these morons think they're sparring with. The caller making out they were trying to contact a Peter Nutting one time player with Winchester City Football Club by phoning around all the P Nuttings in the phone book. So yet another disproving exercise. From Hampshire Football Association I get a phone number of a Winchester City club official of 20 years. He has never heard of a player called Nutting. I phone the five P. Nutting listed in the phone book but of course the caller had not phoned any of them including the 2 nearer than myself. The pratt didn't cover his tracks by phoning the others listed.
Copy of part of this phone call
Anyone familiar with Wiltshire Social Services personnel will probably recognise the voice on this phone call.

One piece of useful advice courtesy of the CPS. In law I am perfectly entitled to contact either Fian Dawson or Naomi Dawson as legally I am the biological father of both. Their mother and by implication Kelvin Dawson admitted to perjury concerning the registration of birth of Naomi. Fian Dawson was registered illegitimate and I am the only one to have presented forensically admissible evidence as to his paternity. It is up to Fian, Kelvin or relatives of the murdered Mervyn Frank Clarke or any other person sexually involved with the mother to present evidence. And I thought it was necessary to go to court to present the case.
The bastards in the CPS knew there was no case. Three days after I was arrested they would not present evidence in court. Five months on they still would not forward the supposed evidence especially the criminal record of Stella Maria CONSTANT and "my" first letter JBS1. I was already aware of the criminal record of S M CONSTANT relating to the criminal damage of smashing the window so it begs the question what else are they trying to hide in the criminal record of this nutter. This implied earlier criminal record of Stella CONSTANT is something else that Wiltshire Social Services should investigate. Another couple of weeks and it would have been automatic abuse of process. For criminal cases with a higher tariff the CPS are allowed to fart about for as long as they like. Talking to a probation officer I know, the CPS, if they think they can bluff their way into a conviction then unbelievably they are allowed to do this. My first solicitor (a woman significantly) understood the psychology of what was going on with this woman S M CONSTANT. Two months in she went (poached probably seeing how industrious she was) to another solicitors group. The replacement solicitors had not a clue. All they wanted was to stay in cosy with the CPS. They wanted to do the CPS's bidding and get me to plead guilty to this preposterous charge to show consideration of the feelings of this bloody woman and her family. Plead guilty and end up with a criminal record and perhaps community service only was their carrot. I would not have believed a supposed defence solicitor could be pressured into acting for the prosecution. It just shows how dangerous "the law" is.
If I had taken the advice of my solicitor and 2 of his senior partners who were going along with the CPS I could have been in prison now.
The local police are running away from me. I meet up with the WPC who had warned (sorry "advised") me in May 2000. She visibly flinched and if she had not been holding on to a stalled car on a slight incline with a broken hand brake she would have run off I think. I visit the local police station on a totally mundane matter. On going through the main door 3 coppers I have not seen before were busy in conversation at the desk. They immediately break off conversation on seeing me, one beefy plain clothes CID runs out of one door and another uniformed copper shoots out another door. Leaving a very nonplussed youngster at the desk to deal with my query. Another time one of the coppers I recognise is leaving the cop shop in his own vehicle. No other vehicles using the road but as soon as he sees me he puts his foot down on and stalls his car blocking the road in both directions as he was turning right. I am beginning to see why 5 Salisbury solicitors would not handle my defence.
There is probably a guiding principle for solicitors;- don't shit in your own back-yard. The first Salisbury solicitor was a Bill Bache (in 2007 based in Whaddon) who later acted for Angela Cannings prosecuted,sentenced and acquitted multiple cot-death mother, and later Joe Wainwright's appeal against 'shaken baby' killing of his son Josh then Ian and Angela Gay the 'salt child-poisoners". He was quite happy for him / his practise to act for me until I told him of the other solicitor in a practise in the same street New Street, Salisbury who was acting for Stella CONSTANT and the smashed window. Neither of us could understand why the mental health act had not kicked-in with Stella CONSTANT, a social worker dealing with other people's children. She had obviously mis-instructed her solicitor. In this small hours MPD violent personality she would have absolutely no recollection of any window smashing - she is as removed from it as if it had been committed by someone else. I can only assume he accessed a solicitor's grapevine and smelled corruption and ditched me in the direction of another Salisbury solicitor, but none of them would touch me. Settlement of the claim for the broken window almost by return of post with no quibbling about the amount is otherwise alien to solicitor's nature. They would only advice to get a Hampshire solicitor and try and get the whole case removed out of the Wiltshire area. The bugbear there was that all 120, yes repeat, 120 pages of all the witness statements would have to be re-transcribed and re-typed. One county's CPS is not transferable to another county's CPS. The only way to get any response out of the Wiltshire senior Crown Prosecutor was to physically go to Salisbury Magistrates and get them to plug a phone into a socket in the court-room and in a court environment speak to him by phone. One of the ushers had to unplug a phone from their office, take it into court and plug it in there to dial out to the CPS. I talked to a magistrate of 20 years standing and asked her if she has ever had to make a phone call from the court room. Never in 20 years had she, the nearest was occassionally using a video conferencing facility in an adjascent room.

I know nothing about the operational criteria for social services but I can see one reason for the amount of major cock-ups. An overriding precept must surely be that in any dispute where there are allegations and counter allegations it must be obvious there are lies coming from at least one side. Whether it is a family being investigated or one of their own number surely social services should tend to come down on the side with independent third-party corroboration and hard documentary evidence.

Letter To Ms Middleton 30 May 2000 The enclosed is an expose of a Stella Maria DAWSON nee CONSTANT of 4 Nelson Road, Salisbury believed to be a social worker for Salisbury District Council. She has recently taken to stalking me, witnessed by 5 independent people. This culminated in an act of criminal damage, estimated value approximately £700, witnessed by 2 independent people. She will probably be arrested for this act. Assuming it was a "cry for help" it will not be on my conscience if she commits suicide. See (page 16) of the enclosed [printed version of "Oh what a Tangled Web We Weave"]. I informed her close family of her likely condition and prognosis re suicide, last year. Hampshire police officers PC -, PC -, WPC - and PC - are all aware in case you think I'm a deluded nutter. To decipher the enclosed *. This woman is intent on destroying her own family and I do not like the idea of her being in a position to destroy other people's families as well. (page 8)

To the Director of Wiltshire Social Services 06 March 2001 Dear Dr Jones I am aware of the farrago concerning a Keith Andrews "Marquis St. Ledger" onetime of your employ. The following is an expose of two more miscreants in your employ . The prime offender is a Stella Maria CONSTANT, of 4 Nelson Rd, Salisbury (verified) and her protector a John Barton STODDART, of 1 Shaftsbury Rd, Barford St. Martin, Wilts. Both employed at Salisbury Social Services. These 2 have conspired with 6 others in an attempt to prosecute the whistleblower. The CPS discontinuance notice, copy, is enclosed - too much corrupted evidence/ statements. How Stella Constant was ever allowed to be a social worker is beyond me. She named her daughter after Naomi - - who was into witchcraft and child abuse. The male partner of this older Naomi (full name and current address known to the writer, she even published a poem epitaph to her son but none of the background of course) was a - - -. This man killed himself, aged 36, and their son , aged 6, - - - on or before 11 March, 1979, off the B3011, Heckfield, Hampshire. He was facing prosecution for the most serious and gross sexual abuses against children, the reason he also had to kill his dog that he'd trained. It was the dog , in a sense, that informed on him and more admissably , witness testimony from someone fully aware of what was going on in Northam Rd .
On a more disciplinary matter on the 17 November 1996 S. M. CONSTANT divulged to me details of an ongoing social work investigation before it was made public. I am nothing to do with social work. This concerned multigenerational child sexual abuse in Winterslow, Wilts. S. M. Constant on numerous times harassed me by phone (tape copies available) waking me in the early hours of the morning. On 3 Oct 1999 I had a conversation with a team leader social worker I happen to know in Hampshire. I was concerned about this apparently rogue social worker. He informed me there were sufficient checks and balances, principaly, all major decisions would go before a line manager before acted on. I let this obviously aberrant behaviour ride but after she smashed the 10 foot by 6 foot window on 28th May 2000 I sent a letter to Lyn Middleton of Salisbury Social Services about this woman. Instead of doing anything about this psychotic woman I as the whistleblower was prosecuted instead.
Criminal matters concerning S. M. CONSTANT are:- Perjury (admitted in her police statement of 14 AP 2000). Conspiracy with one other to perjure. Provable (documentary) false statements to police on 14 Ap and 22 Aug 2000. Complicity with police to have 3 pages removed from this 22 Aug statement. Malicious prosecution in a conspiracy with 7 others. Defamement about myself to my daughter. Mental / emotional cruelty to her own children and family. Murder in 1977 (Southampton CID are still reinvestigating this unsolved murder so cannot give any more detail). Stalking (admitted on her 22 Aug statement), physical harassment and criminal damage [also attempted breaking and entering which I had overlooked in this letter] all 3 relating to Hampshire Police crime reference 008089/00 and prosecution. This psychotic behaviour was witnessed by 2 independent neighbours.
In comparison John Barton STODDART has only submitted provably false evidence against me, namely letter JBS1. JBS1 is not my handwriting or my signature. Instead of investigating an obviously deranged employee he did actively engage in prosecuting the whistleblower. Now any police cases involving uncorroborated evidence from either of these two social workers at any time in their careers immediately become suspect. As there is obvious collusion / corruption / incompetence to a high level in Wiltshire Social Services copies of this letter have been circulated to other parties. All statements and the background story are on the internet on and ... /nutteing.htm. All documentary and physical evidence which would have been presented in court is available for perusal.

[ Circumstances surrounding the murder of Mervyn Frank CLARKE alluded to as the murder in 1977 in the above letter are enlarged upon after the affidavit that raised the whole matter on the "evidence/statements" file number 2 in this series ]

His reply dated 08 March 2001 Dear Mr Nutteing I have received your letter dated 6 March. I have copied your letter to Mr Stoddart and I am asking that he refer it to the Police and the Crown Prosecution Service as continuing evidence of potential harassment. Yours sincerely sig. Dr Ray Jones Director of Social Services cc John Stoddart

 Ray Jones first threatening letter
Red sections are my weeding.
This threat cannot be actioned because the CPS cannot take such a pile of obviously perjurous statements to court. This threatening letter from the director will be added to the other evidence concerning misfeasance (abuse of public office).

So I am now at war with the whole of Wiltshire Social Services and their determination in misfeasance.

I sent a letter to the Divisional Commander of Salisbury Police concerning the tampered-with statement of 22 August last year.
I received a far from adequate reply that did not address my query.
From A. E. Dale, Senior Prosecutions Examiner, Divisional Headquarters, Salisbury
I refer to your letter dated 27th March 2001.
I have reviewed the original statements made by Stella Maria CONSTANT on 22nd August 2000. I can confirm that this statement consists of two pages only.

In reply to a letter I sent to a the Office of the Adjutant General, Wiltshire where I had informed them of an auditor for the MoD who had knowingly made a provably false statement to police.
From F. J. Mason, Detective Inspector, MoD police, CID, HMNB, Portsmouth
I refer to your letter dated 7 March 2001 addressed to _ _ _ which has been passed to my office. The content of your correspondence and the Wiltshire Constabulary Charge Sheet enclosed, appear to relate to a harassment enquiry conducted by that Police Force. Any allegations connected with that enquiry should be addressed to Wiltshire Constabulary.

Letter to Prof. Economides, Law Faculty, Exeter University
Containing an audio cassette copy of the phone call from Fian Dawson one of his students, 04 Sept 1999, starting at 00. 37 hours. For legal reasons (1953 Post Office Communications Act) I had to bleep-out the swearing. The content does not square with his police statement of 4/11/2000. What an extraordinary way to start a legal career.

To the manager of Daniel Cobb, Estate Agents, London, 15 March 2001 Dear Sir/Madam On 30 Jan 2000 I received an e-mail from address which I assume belongs to a Naomi Leafe-Marie Constant/Dawson. It was not offensive as such but did confirm the malicious nature of herself and her 7 co-conspirators in prosecution of me. Since 3 March 2001 the CPS has had to drop the case against me because there was just too much false evidence and testimony to proceed with the case. I am now legally in the position where I can reply. On 8 March 2001 I received a phone-call from Leafe. Because of all the false statements made against me any communication with any of these 8 has to be in writing. I told Leafe to put whatever she had to say in writing to me. As she hasn't I have to assume the content would have been malicious.
[ I will not get into circular arguments with any one of these people. Everything has to be evidence based as far as I am concerned. And I will not transcribe any more of their tosh coming to me by phone. ]
N. L. Constant although made false statements in her 4 Nov 2000 statement to police they are not of sufficient gravitas to warrant counter action for perjury unlike most of the other conspirators. N. L. Constant could not have had knowledge of my phone number (via the CLI {1471}) before Sept 8, 1996 because I did not know their number before 5 November 1996 let alone ever phoning it. She is still trying to cover-up the identity of her informant about my name / phone-number.

Email Communication

There follows what can only barely be called a series of communications between myself and ex-daughter. Apart from anything else it shows what psychiatrists term folie à deux or Shared Psychiatric Disorder. Or should that read folie à huit as it was eight people in a conspiracy to maliciously prosecute me. More properly it is representative of folie à famille. Quote from the Journal of Comprehensive Psychiatry 1985, Mar-APR, Arthur Lazarus quoting Dewhurst and Todd
" .. criteria generally regarded as prerequisite for the diagnosis of folie a deux: (1) evidence that the partners have been intimately associated, (2) identical or near identical delusional content and (3) acceptance, support and sharing of each others' delusional ideas. "
Also "the dominant partner's delusions are continually reinforced by a kind of feedback mechanism due to the incessant echoing of her beliefs by the weaker member"
It is also probably demonstrative of PAS Parental Alienation Syndrome her deliberate and provably false statements to police picked out below are symptomatic of this condition.

Email "communication" between 10 April and 29th April 2001

^ To Paul
^ I didn't call you the other night to say anything malicious. I just want
^ to say that I am going travelling and be.g. you to stop all this internet stuff.
^ I am so tired of all this and I feel you have proved your point. I am 24
^ now and this has been going on for years. I just want to leave and know that
^ things are O. K.
^ Please I am begging you, take all the private information off the
^ internet. If you care about me at all then please do this for me.
^ Leafe

How dare you blame me for dragging things out for years. I wanted it sorted out in 1997 but you dragged that evil bitch of a mother into things. Of course things aren't OK if that bastard and her co-conspirators had got her way then I might be in prison now and a large fine. That could well have been the result if I had gone along with the advice of my solicitor and 2 of his senior partners in one of the city's most respected criminal law practices. July 21, 1999 I said I would be taking all this into the public realm. Everyone had their opportunity to stop me. Their wish for going public was reconfirmed by their taking it all to court. I have not proved my point. I have assembled all the evidence available to me from both sides, the proving would have been in open court. Just be grateful your lie in your police statement concerning how you found my name and phone number is not as serious to constitute perjury as your other conspirators have done. Of your extended family only the two sisters acquitted themselves with any honour. I can only assume that as they are both medically trained they picked up on the Dyschondrosteosis Dyschondrosteosis stuff and stayed well clear of conspiracy. I have been hardened-up too much being forced to deal with you bastards to take any notice of moral blackmail. Putting all this stuff in the public domain is one of the few protections I have against corrupt practices . There are probably other people in the Salisbury area stitched up by these 2 dangerous social workers. [Stella Constant trained as a social worker at Southampton University, graduating in social work studies, 1987 ] I am obliged to correct any transcription errors that I have made typing up all the tosh from you lot. Please inform me of any such errors concerning the prosecution statements.

^ There is no reason to be nasty to me!
^ I have not lied to the police, that is exactly how I found your number and
^ name. I have no reason to lie over such a trivial matter. I am not a liar
^ and resent you calling me one. I have never been nasty to you or caused
^ trouble for you. I will ask you again to take all that stuff from the
^ internet, it is private and not for any weirdo to read.
^ Do you remember me begging you not to tell my family about my
^ paternity-well you went ahead anyway. I want it to stop now, everyone knows and I see
^ that your job is done now. I refuse to let this nonsense go on any longer and
^ want to know if there is anything I can do to help.
^ All this nastiness has had a terrible impact on me and my brothers life
^ and wish that we could all put this behind us. None of this is our fault.

This is quoted from your statement
"On my return from "storming out" I saw my mum hang up the telephone, I was suspicious because it was late. After she'd left the room I [did -struck out ND] dialled[caretted] 1471 and noted the number had a * code. I suspected my mum had been speaking to Paul. I looked in my mum's telephone book and noted down Paul's telephone number - I never told mum or dad that I had done this. "
This event was before 8 Aug 1996 (your first call to me). I did not know your Nelson Road number until 5 Nov 1996. That bitch never ever phoned me before 5 Nov 1996 at any time going right back to 1975 and I never phoned her at any time back to the 70s. I think their Middle Woodford number was in the book but I never phoned there even the weekend I stayed there. Incidentally , countering the statement of Honoria Constant, I met her then and also once when she visited 200 Empress Rd. If my number was in some book of your mothers a) It would not baldly state Paul Nutteing 01962 * it would be codified at least to just "P" and no need to mention 01962 b) I imagine there would be something like 10 * numbers in that book c) The only reason for it being there was if she was my phantom silent phone pest over a few years in the 80s early 90s. d) When you phoned me the first time you were absolutely certain of my identity. One of the biggest wierdos I have come across is your mother- its disgusting how she had no consideration for her own kids. All the internet stuff stays there until someone confirms your statement in writing to me that I am "lying and deluded" via proper documentary evidence. I repeat for the umpteenth time all that was required now as back in 1997 was an exchange of letters between GPs confirming blood-groups. A perfectly reasonable procedure in the circumstances. I still have had no explanation why KD Dawson is not down as father in Fian's birth registration. If that dangerous nutter still thinks the murdered Mervyn Frank Clarke is his father then someone should remind her he was murdered on 24 Dec 1977 and count the weeks to 27 Oct 1978. I was living with that woman between June 1977 and the first week of June 1978

^ I feel as if you are making a mountain out of a mole hill-which isn't even there!
^ I will tell you again-I HAVE NOT LIED TO YOU OR THE POLICE. I have never
^ once lied to you, and I am very tired of you trying to tell me otherwise.
^ I expect this to be the end of this nonsense once and for all. To be
^ I will ask you again, will you please take everything off the internet?
^ Also, if you reply could you refrain from swearing-I find it very distasteful
^ and irrelevant.
^ Thank you

I repeat I did not know your mother's phone number before 5 November 1996. You cannot have dialled 1471 at any time before that to find my phone-number or me phoning from any Winchester number. This is just your first lie. Then you say I was expecting your call the first time you phoned me-another lie. Your first phone-call was totally out of the blue. Show me the letters that I was "writing to every hotel in Leicester" [rereading these witness statements the word written here is not "everyone" but "every hotel" which is not just a lie but ridiculous fantasy no wonder I misread it first time round ]. Where is the evidence I went checking your "credit history". The perjury section is marked in blue in the following and the marginalia are my comments and annotations because of the poor quality of printing. The full transcript is in the second of these internet files.
 perjury of N L Dawson
Quote from her police witness statement with her signature at the bottom of the sheet.
"I find it quite disgusting at the
lengths he seems to go to track me
down, writing to every hotel in Leicester
to find where I was working and finding out
my "credit history" to try to locate me. "

[She is now the second generation of perjurors. She also lied about letters I was supposed to be sending to her via Salisbury and lying that she divulged her Salisbury home phone number and address in her first phone call to me on August 08, 1996 ]
You have obviously inherited from your mother the capacity for pathological lying to suit your own purpose and cannot even see it when you are caught out lying-a signature of pathological lying. Just be grateful these lies are not of sufficient gravitas to add you to the charge of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. All sorts of people lie for all sorts of reasons but an inability to recognise it and covering up with yet more lies points to much deeper problems. The only time I lied to you was, laughably, I was trying to disguise your mother's promiscuous behaviour. I knew I was lying (misdirecting actually, failing to add pertinent detail) when I wrote it at the time. When I was caught out lying there was no point in denying it.

^ Why send that last email back to me-I am not interested and you are
^ talking nonsense.
^ ABOUT-Not your insane ramblings!!!

Fulminate as much as you like but I don't get into circular arguments with you lot. Only proper evidence will sway me. I would have thought by now you would know that lies, perjury, conspiracy, intimidation, threats and violence do not get anywhere with me. You still have not presented any evidence to counter my "insane ramblings" or substantiate that I am "lying and deluded".

^ Nice to see how you view me-a pathalogical liar. Doesn't seem to matter
^ what I say, you are convinced of that-well so be it. I know the truth and that
^ is all that counts, how you view me is of no matter too me.
^ I will ask you one last time-will you take all the stuff off the internet?????????????
^ If you do not answer my question, I will not contact you again.

I quote from your mother's statement "In 1995 [a member of the family -struck out SMC] LEAFE found out that Kelvin was not her biological Father, and queried this with me. I gave LEAFE the "basic" details of her Father, Paul NUTTEING and the reasons she was brought up as Kelvin's child. LEAFE accepted this and made no mention of her intentions to contact him. I did not know Paul's address at this time as we had not kept in touch. " Unfortunately on this occasion I believe your mother as she had not kept in contact and had no reason to lie about knowing where I lived. She would never record any details about me that could be discovered by Fian or yourself nosing around. My name and address has always been in the phone book since first going on the phone in 1979. On the other hand it would be very difficult for KD Dawson at all times while at home make sure that his blood group, disclosed on his military pass, could not be discovered.
[Where did I find out what is on a military pass when I don't know anyone in the military ? I just dropped into an army recruitment shop and asked. One of the 2 civvies-dressed bods there produced his pass from his wallet and showed me the bit with his blood group, covering up the rest. Oddly he even told me the blood group of his daughter being "A" and how it matched the mother, not himself, as he was "O". ]

^ There is clearly no point in corresponding with you, you are clearly insane.
^ I think you have a very evil mind and you desperately need psychiatric help.
^ Unfortunately nobody cares about you enough to insist on you doing this. I
^ feel very sorry for you, there is *. Everybody ignores your letters
^ as it is clear to anyone who reads your letters that you are mad!!
^ Everyone is laughing at you behind your back, and you are too deluded to see
^ it. Everyone who as ever received one of your letters or read your *
^ are convinced you need help, you are so pathetic.
^ I am laughing at you, mum is laughing at you, my dad, all my friends, social
^ services even the police are laughing at you!!!
^ Your embarrassed biological daughter

^ You bang on about wanting evidence, well the evidence speaks for its self:
^ that everything you have ever written or published has no construction and
^ is basically 'insane ramblings'!!
^ As far as dad not being on Fian's birth certificate -IT IS SOOOOO OBVIOUS.
^ You think you are so clever but everyone with half a brain knows that if you
^ are not married the father has to be present-otherwise you could name the
^ pope if you wanted too. Now on that day (you have 6 weeks to do this min) my
^ dad couldn't be there and therefore could not legally be put on the birth
^ certificate. Everybody knows that and again you are making a fool out of
^ yourself.
^ I have shown so many people all the letters and the internet stuff-and they
^ all worry about your mental state. Which is quite ironic really coz you
^ don't stop banging on about mum's mental state-but then she is not
^ *. Have you ever wondered why nobody replies to your
^ letters, well pure and simply they think you are insane and want to steer
^ clear.
^ I have never known anyone as deluded as you, but then I have a sneaking
^ suspicion that you know there is something wrong with you but you are too
^ scared to face it-am I right Paul? Do you really think that the way you
^ *, the way you talk are signs of a normal person-NO!!!!
^ You are the next best thing to a tramp living on the street.
^ Your increasingly embarrassed biological daughter

Don't lecture me about Registry Office matters. When your mother registered Fian she (by law) would have been given a statutory declaration form (form 16) for KD Dawson to fill in. This has been the case since the Births and Deaths Registration Act 1953, Sections 10 and 10A. Any father abroad would have to go before a JP, commissioner for oaths etc, fill in the form and post back to the UK . "In the case of the father who is a member of Her Majesty's Forces serving abroad, the authorities before whom the statutory declaration may be made include any officer who holds a rank not below that of Major". And posted back to the UK registry office. After their marriage in 1981 KD Dawson should have filled out form LA1 official site Now apparently "Application by the natural parents for the re-registration of their child's birth following the parent's marriage". He has not done so and cannot do so because in great big print at the bottom of the form WARNING: ANY PERSON WHO DELIBERATELY GIVES FALSE INFORMATION FOR THE REGISTRATION OF A BIRTH MAY BE PROSECUTED. Until he does so KD Dawson is not Fian's legal father.
Should you wish to change your birth registration details then it is a matter of contacting
Corrections Service
ONS Smedley Hydro
Trafalgar Rd
As a succinct portrayal of most aspects of this business without getting bogged down with all the written evidence of perjury etc, is the following. On 01 Nov 2000 after the court case against me had nominally started I checked the CLI (1471) on my home phone. Someone with a Salisbury phone number had tried waking me in the middle of the night. I faxed the OIC at Salisbury Police in these words that that evil bitch Stella Constant had been harassing me again. I got a stern phone call back from this CID officer. Stella Constant vehemently denied making any call and demanded that Salisbury Police find out how I got hold of this woman's new, changed, ex-directory phone number.
[Salisbury police now know that this psychotic woman lied to the face of a police officer with the evidence of the following audio tape recording. This is the MPD / fugue state at this time of night where she is split away from the usual self. She has absolutely no recollection of whatever she does in this state including the reason for bruised toes from kicking things or people]
The BT CLI (1471) sound recording 440K
I recorded the BT CLI on tape saying " telephone number 01722 5065 .. called on the first of November at 01. 31 hours " and sent a copy to Salisbury Police. This officer sheepishly phoned back enquiring what I was going to do about this latest matter. I said as long as it was on record for the forthcoming court case then that was as far as I was taking it. So in one minor exchange involving minimal but irrefutable evidence this woman has shown that
1) She has a mental health problem
2) Is unlikely to be allowed to work closely with Salisbury Police on any social services matter as her position with them is now untenable.
3) Prejudiced any court case against me and involving the veracity of her testimony in court.
One of the people I have kept informed about all this is a team leader * section of * social services. We happen to have known one another since about 1972.

^ You are sick in the head, you desperately need help!!

^ Maybe you would like to give me the telephone number of this social worker
^ you know-I would like to talk to him. If he is such a * then I think
^ that would be a good idea-that is if you have nothing to hide.

The social worker is * on *. I talked to him today so he is aware of your suggestion. He is at home this weekend and Mon to Fri after 6 pm. The other person is * on *, long term friend since 1970 or so. We lived in the same house for 3 years. Both these names and phone numbers are for you only, not to be relayed to your mother or anyone else.

^ I may well not be using these numbers as I am flying out on Wednesday. I
^ will not be near a computer-hopefully therefore will not contact you again.
^ Farewell

Going by your recent groundless diatribe you have turned into a carbon copy of your mother. The more public exposure of such a dangerous family then the better. I do not have the imagination to dream up what is otherwise such an unlikely story. If you want to go along with maintaining your mother's fiction with no evidential backing then more fool you. [Both mother and daughter went to La Retraite school Salisbury, I wonder if there is any significance in that.]

An earlier transcribed phone-call that was originally on this file

Re-opened Murder Enquiry

 coroner's letter
The above is part of the letter from the Coroner
From Her Majesty's Coroner, K St. J. Wiseman, Director General's House, Southampton
I have now in fact been able to find the old file of my predecessor in relation to the death of Mervyn Clarke.
You have correctly indicated to me that an "Open" verdict was recorded on the basis that there did not seem to be any evidence available to assist in discovering the circumstances in which Mr. Clarke came to be found on the pavement with the head injury that caused his death .
Letters to Mr Golding head of mental health section of Wiltshire Social Services
and Mr J Pook, team leader over Stella Maria Constant, Wilts Social Services

This is the final chance to get any sense out of Wiltshire Social Services before I start criminal proceedings against Stella Maria CONSTANT and John Barton STODDART of Wiltshire Social Services. Charges being provable perjury and conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. Soon after I became aware of letter JBS1 I had an interview with my MP. He has been kept informed since with view to bringing in the ombudsman. Mental health problems start in the Constant family with Michael Ellis CONSTANT. Newspaper report of his sectioning in 1984 is included. His daughter is Stella Maria CONSTANT who is now causing so much mayhem. Her daughter a Naomi Leafe CONSTANT / DAWSON is now showing folie a deux. Recent e-mail "communication", copies enclosed, between myself and her show she is severely unbalanced and there should be concern for welfare. I have also enclosed a copy of a letter I sent to the Director of Wiltshire Social Services and his useless asinine reply.

Nothing, not even acknowledgement to these letters
30 June 2001
Letter to local social services, children and families section
There is no point in informing me this letter should be going to Wiltshire social services. I have sent letters the width and breadth of Wilts social services personnel. In time honoured manner they tried prosecuting me as the whistleblower. Wilts CPS notice of discontinuance is enclosed. I have also enclosed copy of threatening letter, from the director of Wilts social services, that cannot be actioned because of too much corruption in his staff; the John Stoddart, area manager, referred to, submitted a forged letter purporting to come from me as police evidence against me for starters. I will have to bring in the ombudsman on this misfeasance and criminal prosecutions for perjury and conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. Instead of input from police and CPS it should be input from psychiatry.
There is reason for concern for welfare of two twin boys of a mother who is a social worker in children and family section of Salisbury Social Services. Her name is Stella Maria Constant of 4 Nelson Rd, Salisbury. The twins are - and - Dawson born -, -, 1994. The only explanation of events since 1997 is that there are severe psychiatric problems with this family. Starting with a Michael Ellis Constant whose sectioning was reported in the regional press in 1984 (copy enclosed). His daughter probably has Dissociative Identity Disorder or something similar. Her delusions written up as true statements to police in April and August 2000 now constitute perjury. She has a dangerous personality disorder that manifests itself in the early hours of the morning. She was arrested and prosecuted (Hampshire Police crime reference 008089/00 )for a window smashing escapade last year again at about 00 . 30 hours. During the working day she can function as any sane minded person. Another example of this behaviour is highlighted in yellow [her denied but conclusively evidenced phone- call to me at 01. 31 on 01 Nov, 2000 ]in the copies of email "communication " between myself and her daughter Naomi Leafe Dawson between 10 April and 28 April 2001.
The delusions of the mother have been induced into her daughter to the extent that her daughter cannot function properly, psychiatricaly this is called folie a deux. But aged 24 social services cannot have any input on that, nor can my GP. As far as I can see my only option is to start criminal proceedings against Stella Constant, her daughter, her son Fian Dawson and her husband Kelvin Derrick Dawson for their provably perjurous statements to police, conspiring to maliciously prosecute me. This will long-term achieve nothing as it is psychiatric attention that should be to the fore. I have deliberately not included my phone number so that all correspondence on this matter is in writing.

Her reply
As the content refers to matters relating to Wiltshire Services, I have forwarded your letter to Dr Ray Jones, Director of Social Services. * we have no jurisdiction to intervene in the matters raised in your letter

How another Social Services Dept deals with a mentally unbalanced social worker - at the end of this article Haringey Social Services - Carole Baptiste 01 Feb 2001 .. OR.. Cached until their archive is back

Data Protection Act - Subject Access - Wilts Social Services

The first proper communication in 1 1/2 years from anyone in Wiltshire County Council
Letter dated 09 Aug 2001
Dear Mr Nutteing
Wiltshire County Council has investigated your request for information held about yourself in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.
I have retrieved the data you have requested from Social Services. I enclose the data, which is not exempt from disclosure; I am still continuing my searches and will forward any subsequent data shortly.
In the mean time should you have any queries , please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours Faithfully, Jens Christensen, Data Protection Officer

Nothing of much use forwarded to me except this letter, heavily weeded ( redacted )
6 July 2001
Dear Margaret
Many thanks for arranging for {about 8 characters blacked-out} to forward onto (sic) me the letter dated 30 June 2001 received from Mr Paul Nutteing of _ _ _.
Mr Nutteing's
{2 lines of text blacked out}.
It has been referred to the police and also considered by the Crown Prosecution Service.
{3 and a half lines of text blacked out}
My suggestion is that you might acknowledge back to Mr Nutteing that you have received his letter, and that as it refers essentially to matters in Wiltshire you have forwarded the letter to me.
Many thanks for letting me know about the contact you have had with Mr Nutteing.
Yours sincerely, Dr Ray Jones, Director of Social Services
Cc to John Stoddart {plus one blacked out}
{3 lines of text blacked out}

 Ray Jones second threatening letter
The red sections are my weeding
 witness notification
More evidence that my persecution is from Wiltshire Social Services rather than from individuals who happen to be personnel of Wilts Social Services. This witness notification went to Salisbury Social Services and not 4 Nelson Rd Salisbury.
The second tranche of papers from Wilts County Council Data Protection Officer again contained mainly copies of letters I had sent. Curiously with large areas blacked out ; why they consider I should not see parts that I had written and have copies of, is beyond my understanding.
For the letter I sent 30 June 2001 to local social services, printed earlier in this file, the blacked out words are :-
John Stoddart [then in cryptic marginalia referred back to this name "John Stoddart (include ) not exempt DPA " and signature initials, someone had added to my letter]
Stella Maria CONSTANT
Names of the twins not named here for the usual humanitarian reasons
Michael Ellis CONSTANT
Hampshire Police crime reference 008089/00
Naomi Leafe DAWSON
Stella Constant, her daughter, her son Fian Dawson and her husband Kelvin Derrick Dawson

The corrupt bastards in Wilts Social Services surprise, surprise, have not sent me a copy of my alleged "initial letter" JBS1 of 11/4/00 with "hand-written envelope" that John Stoddart "did not reply to as he did not wish to encourage me"
 JBS letter
Why did the slimey John Stoddart make this reply to my May 30th, 2000 letter but not to the "my" forged letter - he knew it was forged in all probability.

15 August 2001
The second proper communication in 1 1/2 years from anyone in Wiltshire County Council even if from an unnamed woman. First of all she had to get past my identity non-divulging or confirming telephone answering technique. It was just a "courtesy call" to confirm I had received the package from Wilts County Council Data Controller.

Another dodgey phone-call asking for a Mr Lloyd saying they could not read the last digit of a phone-number it might be 2 or a 7. They repeat this call. Half an hour later I ring the other local number with the different digit and of course no one had previously phoned enquiring after a Mr Lloyd.

My efforts at investigating a previous dodgey phone-call from someone in an office without suppression of the identity of their phone line on the CLI detailed in the first of these files.
 Denham letter
I filled in the complaint form concerning misfeasance and sent to the Local Government Ombudsman in Coventry

This is his reply dated 23 August 2001 from the Assistant Director

The Ombudsman has asked me to thank you for your complaint against Wiltshire County Council.
I must first explain that under the provision of the Local Government Act 1974, the Ombudsman has no power to investigate any matter which relates to a personnel issue regarding an officer of the Council. In this case your complaint is about the way in which the Council went about investigating the allegations that you made to it about a social worker falls outside the Ombudsman's jurisdiction.
Secondly, I should make it clear that the Ombudsman has no power to investigate an action of an officer of the Council which is not taken as a part of their duties at the Council. In this case it seems clear to me that the actions of the officers' concerned were taken in a private capacity and were actions they were entitled to take as citizens rather than as officers of the Council. As such these actions fall outside the Ombudsman's jurisdiction.
Lastly it seems to me that any injustice you have sustained falls from the actions of the Police in arresting you and not from any administrative action of the Council ant it is the case that allegations of perjury are matters for the Police.
Whilst I recognise that this reply will come as a disappointment to you I do not believe there are any matters in the complaint that you raise that fall within the Ombudsman's jurisdiction.
I am therefore, closing the Ombudsman's file in respect of your complaint and I am notifying the Council's Chief Executive of my decision.
Yours sincerely
Stephen Purser
Copy of the above letter
The red sections are my weeding.

So here are the details in a private capacity of these citizens who keep threatening me.
John Barton STODDART, of 1 Shaftsbury Rd, Barford St. Martin, Wilts
married a Helen R. Winchester, Northwich, Cheshire 1976
Dr Raymond Leonard Jones, Bleet Meadow House, Bleet, Steeple Ashton, Trowbridge, Wiltshire
Born 1949, Redruth, Cornwall
Married a Mary Elaine Abbott, 1973 in Sutton
Academic doctor, qualifications BSc, MPhil, PhD (Bath 1983, 560p) - thesis "Adolescents' Perceptions of Social Work and Social Workers"
Onetime lecturer at Bath and now an Honorary Research Fellow of the Centre for Evidence Based Social Services at Exeter University.
Laughably , this is someone who is Director of the "Trowbridge Centre for Hearsay Based Social Services".
Does he practise what he preaches, 4273, 4244399, 00.html or,,541525,00.html , 23 Aug 2001, If this article fails to emerge from the Guardian archive then try clicking again.
He is now heading a Quango "Social Care Institute for Excellence -Scie - pronounced "sky" - will be the first central body responsible for reviewing research and practice in social care, establishing a database of good, evidence-based methods and services. "
No he could only hack that job for 7 months and September 2002 is returning to a post in Wilts Social Services which should be problematic managerially speaking. As a rule it is considered inadvisable for companies, I don't know about local government, taking back previous employees. It all concerns disruption of power blocs that build up around individuals in companies. He was director from 1992 to 2001 i.e. 9 years, the current director was only at Wiltshire as assistant director for 1 year.
I am certainly learning why Social Workers have an increasingly bad press ;they just act on hearsay with no corroborating hard, forensically admissible, evidence from independent third parties or even all involved sources . As you can see from the above mini biography when I investigate something I do it to the best of my abilities. Even his academic record has the disguised incomplete name he uses still in official letters. How on earth can anyone in social services take the non-evidence backed word of Stella Maria CONSTANT when everyone including the CPS knows (admitted on the first page of her 14 April 2000 police statement) that she is a perjuror

email of 27 August 2001 to the office of the local government ombudsman
Dear Mr Purser
I have in front of me 2 threatening letters on official green-printed headed notepaper from the director of Wilts Social Services. Would you kindly inform me how I differentiate letters in a private capacity written on council notepaper and letters of an official capacity written on the same council notepaper.

A useless reply just restating his grounds for non-investigation.

A consequential letter to the chief executive officer of Wilts County Council
Dear Dr Robinson,
I am led to believe you would have received an assessment from the local government ombudsman Stephen Purser (copy of his letter to me enclosed). I have to inform you that the director of social services a Dr Raymond Leonard Jones has been abusing his position as a local government officer. He has been using official printed Wiltshire County Council headed notepaper in an unwarranted campaign of trying to prosecute me (copy of one such letter enclosed. ) Instead of investigating the corruption or incompetence in two of his staff he has tried prosecuting the whistleblower. It has also shown-up incompetence in his own abilities as he, as well as his staff, have totally failed in taking evidence from all parties. Apparently they have just relied on uncorroborated hearsay from one corrupt Wilts social worker who even admits to previous perjury on the first page of her first police statement, then goes on to repeatedly provably commit more perjury.
The background to this matter is too convoluted to even try and summarise here. It is placed on the internet at: -
and associated files * *
Yours Sincerely
As a result of my third letter to Wiltshire Constabulary this time to the Chief Constable, Elizabeth Neville, I finally get a proper reply from Chief Inspector HOBBS of Salisbury Division.
12 Sept 2001
I refer to your letter dated 18th August 2001, and to my subsequent reply in my letter dated 29th August 2001.
I have now received the file in respect of the matters to which you refer, and I have examined the original statement, the copy of which was sent to you.
The original statement is two pages long, and it is quite clear that the officer recording the statement incorrectly put the figure "1" in the space marked "consisting of ... pages". This figure "1" was crossed through with a squiggly line making it appear on the photocopy as a "5". The number "2" was placed alongside the crossing out.
Whilst the alteration was not initialled by the person making the statement, it would appear that the failure to get this alteration initialled was an oversight by the officer taking the statement. There have certainly not been any pages removed from the statement itself, and you are incorrect in assuming that this was the case.
I can confirm that your requests to have your DNA samples and fingerprints destroyed, together with the result of this case being removed from police records, has been passed to Scientific Support Department at Police Headquarters, Devizes. You will receive notification direct from them when this has been completed.
I trust this clarifies the position in respect of this matter.
Yours sincerely
Chief Inspector
Operations (Criminal Justice)

Because of the international and general significance the following section is no longer here but is much expanded on separate files starting from
DNA Profiles

12 Dec 2001 my opening salvo in the form of a letter to the new director of Wilts Social Services.
 Annie Hudson
Annie Alexandra Hudson director of Wilts social services - Some background
Probably born 1947 in or near Doncaster, South Yorkshire
Trained at Sussex University early 1970s, then social worker in Newcastle, then lecturer in social work at Sunderland Poly, then lecturer at Manchester University incl. 1985 to 1989, then social worker at Bristol incl. 1992 to 1998, assistant director of Wilts soc. services from 2000.
Bad penny time again returns to Bristol 2003 as social services director for children.
Author or co-author to such luminary articles as :
Troublesome Girls, Femininity and the State
Malestream (sic) training? Women, feminism and social work education
The child sexual abuse "industry" and gender relations in social work
Feminism and social work - resistance or dialogue
Changing perspectives - feminism, gender and social work
Towards an effective policy for delinquent girls
Women, oppression and social work
The Welfare State and adolescent femininity
"No Man is Safe" - The Welfare State, Social Work and Adolescent Girls.
I found no general social work tracts only a preoccupation with feminism. And they think I'm obsessive. I hope the above is not similar to the hang-up of Carole Baptiste in the Haringey - Climbie enquiry. Carole Baptiste was a local manager social worker obsessed by christianity and feminism. Devoting case discussions to these topics to the exclusion of proper social services matters. That dangerous social worker was convicted on 27 August 2002.

Copy of letter to the new director of Wilts Social Services 12 Dec 2001
Dear Ms Hudson
Because of the corruption (perjury and use of a false instrument) of two of your staff: Stella Maria CONSTANT, of 4 Nelson Rd, Salisbury and John Barton STODDART, of 1 Shaftsbury Rd, Barford St. Martin and the incompetence of the previous director Raymond Leonard JONES, Bleet Meadow House, Bleet, Steeple Ashton, Trowbridge I have been put to much inconvenience and expense to say the least. I have to pay the Forensic Science Service the sum of 10 pounds to have my DNA sample destroyed along with the biometric data derived from it, it is not an automatic procedure. If I don't receive recompense from Wiltshire Social Services by 10 January 2001 I will start the necessary. Unlike your incompetent staff I don't act without proper evidential backing so evidence of this expense is enclosed. If you are not aware of the background to all this it is on the internet at and the associated files.
Her reply
 Annie Hudson letter
"Following discussion with our legal advisors. I am writing to inform you that I do not consider that Wiltshire County Council should meet the costs (i.e. £10 as stated in your letter) of paying the Forensic Science Service to have your DNA sample destroyed. The reason for this is that I do not believe that the sample was taken as a consequence of Miss Constant, Mr Stoddart or Dr Jones carrying out their professional duties as employees of Wiltshire County Council.
Annie Hudson
Director of Social Services"

[ In the following latest letter to Annie Alexandra Hudson the evidence referred to is on the second of these files " Crown v Paul Nutteing " file nutteing2 as search engine keyword ]

15 April 2002
Name, Address
Telephone number deliberately withheld

Ms Hudson
The enclosed extensive documentation is the evidence of perjury and conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. The bona fides of the affidavits can only be verified through a trusted intermediary. These people made the affidavits despite knowing that Stella Maria CONSTANT could well come round and smash their windows if I divulged their full identity. The photographic evidence is much more straightforward.
Papers W1, W2
The principal pieces of perjury are the police witness statements of Stella Maria CONSTANT and her husband Kelvin Derrick DAWSON, MoD auditor, both of 4 Nelson Rd Salisbury. Re red marked sections - SMC Constant didn't move out of my house to Winn Rd in 1977 it was the first week of June 1978 she moved. Her son Fian was conceived early Feb 1978. For KD Dawson to be the father the mother has to admit to sleeping around. This was the principle reason it was not possible to live with this person.
Papers marked P1, P2, P3, P4
P1 - Contact prints from negatives with code number meaning film stock of 1977 all photos show rooms in 200 Empress Rd where I lived then. Negative number 5 as print lower down. The part of the image next to the pink dot is shown copier-enlarged. At the end of the orange arrow is text of a local newspaper. P2 shows a page from the archive of this paper for the sports pages on Monday 27 February 1978. Lower left is a proper enlarged image off this negative number 5. The lower right overlay celluloid shows the main points of comparison. The ascenders and decenders of the caption marked C, the areas of white, the 2 stars marked S with surrounding white and the pattern of words shown on the original as "Sandown and Shanklin". The "Greyhound racing" caption was quite common but rarely at the right hand edge of the page. The use of the stars and spaces never occurred adjasent to this caption in any other edition from 2 months before Feb 27 to 3 months after 27 Feb 1978. This is more than ample forensic evidence that this particular photo was taken on or after 27 Feb 1978 (SM Constant became pregnant about 3 weeks before this date). Thus dating all the subsequent images which show toys and a distinctive heavy playpen so S M Constant was not snapped just visiting me. Other shots on this set of negatives show her in night attire. The photo numbered 1 is shown overleaf. P3 third down shows a now ex-friend after 20 years of friendship with SMC. From a child health visitor she estimates the ages of the older kid as 1 year to 18 months (born 27 Nov 1976) and younger as 8 to 10 months (born May 05, 1977 ). The 2 upper photos were taken in Surrey on 04 June 1978 visiting my family. The babe-in-arms was born 18 April 1978. SMC was 4 months pregnant. She started moving out from my house the week before the 04 June and completed moving after this weekend with my family. P4 evidence of the settlement cheque for the damage only aspect of the act of terrorism of S M Constant on 27 May, 2000.
Affidavits A1 to A5
All fairly straightforward but the identity of these good people has to be un-divulged. They could be verified by an independent party contacting these people to confirm but not relaying their identities to any of the dangerous or corrupt people in your workforce.
B1 and B2 birth registrations.
Re B1, as of 9 April 2002 and later checks from the registrar at Bugle St, Southampton this registration remains unaltered. K D Dawson has not completed form LA1 and submitted for reregistering the birth. So F G Dawson still has no legal father. B2, SM Constant admitted to perjury in her police statement regarding this registration.
M1 finally evidence that someone around here can function as a proper social worker (myself).

Reply from the Director of Wiltshire Social Services
I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your recent letter (15 April). I have noted your comments. However, I do not believe that it would be appropriate for me to make any further comment although I will be passing on a copy of your correspondence to our legal advisors.
Yours sincerely
Annie Hudson

Second Arrest by Hampshire Incompetent Plod

Thursday 05 Dec 2002
About 2 pm at home and 5 deliberately unnamed CID police and a special branch character invade my privacy. Reason given was to investigate as I was supposed to have incited someone to commit criminal damage.
Someone, presumably BT had told them I also used another line that they had no records for - how confusing for the poor dears - crap BT computer system for that. Special Branch and plod spent 3 hours delving into anything and everything that could conceivably be connected to my computer. Including, because the wiring was wrapped up with but not connected to the telephone wires, a 30 year-old doorbell and 20 year-old burglar alarm. Computer and telephone hand-piece would you believe bagged up and carted off expecting to find fancy hacking software but only ordinary internet browser and email application.
I had put some public domain info on one of my files linked to a cutting from an old newspaper with a flippant 6 word phrase. Half hour police interview, recorded on tape, where it was only me coming up with relevant material. The duty solicitor only had to make one relatively minor point. Apparently arrested because of these six words buried in 120, 000 or so words. Inchoate offence, no "actus reus", no "mens rea" and no incitees.
The way round this sort of nonsense charge is make sure the notional "non-damage" is over 5,000 pounds. Notional damage in excess of 300 million pounds would have been sufficient. Then section 45 and Schedule 2 of the Magistrates' Court Act 1980 and Law Commission Report No 131 section 2.138, 2.127 and 2.136 once it is at Crown Court.

A cover for getting hold of my computer which of course shows nothing untoward. As far as plod was aware the sensitive information about the siting of the FSS NDNAD store of DNA samples could only be obtained by me hacking into some secure government computer.
They, using Vogon software, or anything else would not find any fancy hacking software or any other compromising material on my computer. What they fail to realise is if I find anything useful or interesting it goes in the public domain anyway. I have no need for encryption or to keep stuff quiet unlike all this lot.

I am carted off to nick for questioning. I happen to have very good peripheral vision. The lead copper was to my side and I was talking to his colleague opposite. Because of a ridiculous charade that can only be due to the input of corrupt Wiltshire social workers I made the statement. "If you have had any input from anyone in Wiltshire Social Services over this stuff then you should be very wary". At this point I could see that the copper by my side started grimacing.
I don't have a copy of the police interview tape despite the machine making 3 contemporaneous copies. Questions about my 6 word phrase linking to a newspaper article from a national newspaper article from the archives.

Why did I have details of Dr P E Cage, director of Birmingham Forensic Science Service on my site ?
My reply : Well I have evidence of administrative incompetence at his facility and I don't see why such people should hide behind anonymous civic edifices. According to these interviewing plod, Dr Cage has since retired.

Why did I have details of (then ) Home Office minister John Yorke Denham on my site? My reply: I never got an answer why 2 of his staff lied to him about phoning me a few days after a dangerous psychotic Wiltshire social worker came over to Hampshire to smash windows and the buck stops with him - it was his phone-line and his corrupt staff.

Why did I not accept that my 4 internet sites had been disabled?
What is the point of publicising the activities of corrupt and dangerous characters if I don't keep it in the public domain. Afterall there is nothing libellous in any of my material.

Why the material about burglars leaving other people's DNA profile material at their "scene of crime".
I have no problem with DNA profiles being used to identify, say, a body washed up on a beach. There is then a proven intimate association between the body tissue sample and the derived DNA profile. In most other situations there is only an unproven casual association with a crime or criminal. I have been on the receiving end of a conspiracy of corrupt people manufacturing "evidence" against me. The deliberate planting of DNA "evidence" is just too easy for any numbskull to do these days.

Released without any bail conditions.
It does not resolve the central issue addressed in my letter to the Chief Constable of Hampshire Constabulary
18 January 2003
Dear Mr Kernaghan,
On 05 December 2002 I was arrested by police only identified to myself as officers A, B, C, D, E and 00. Someone had alleged that I had hacked into some secure government computer to acquire some very sensitive information. No fancy modems or software found on my computers of course. As I correctly stated in my police interview there should have been 4 related items on the print-out before us and not 3. The "Fourth Item" would be on a "need to know" basis even within the police. Even a chief constable, I suspect, would not be privy to this knowledge as there would be no routine operational reason for him to have the full details that I am privy to. I, in fact, found this information perfectly legitimately on a totally public access " ..." internet website open to the world to view. The particular government file contains other information I would have thought most advantageous to any terrorist or the like. After my interview and having left the custody suite of (the) police station I gained access to the "secure" inner sanctum of the police station and for 5 minutes had the freedom of the unlocked rooms. I was observed but unchallenged by 3 uniformed officers and 2 CID bods despite wearing a - - and -. I was only rumbled by the character who only 10 minutes before had been interviewing me as a "criminal suspect". He compounded matters by being so flummoxed he failed to search me before conducting me back to the public world. Amazingly 6 weeks on the " ..." site and file, as of 17 Jan 2003 is still up there available to all and sundry. I should be knighted, not hounded, for exposing such security lapses and incompetence from national down to local level.
Copies of this letter sent to local and national media.
Yours Sincerely,
End of quote

A useless reply just stating the bleeding obvious.

05 March 2003
Interviewing plod "A" brought my computer back (working order) with a letter neither named nor signed

Arrest/interview over an
On 5/12/02, you were arrested and detained by a police officer in connection with an allegation of Incitement to cause Criminal Damage. Your assistance in the removal of the contested information has been noted and it is expected this co-operation will continue and not be reversed. After careful consideration it has been decided that no further action will be taken against you in this matter. However, if further significant evidence becomes available at a later date, the decision may be reconsidered and the advice of the Crown Prosecution Service sought. Yours sincerely, (no name, no signature) Officer in Charge
End of Quote

Not even a proper phone number just the county-wide crime-reporting number. A further example of the police state we are moving into.

Before I was arrested superplod removed 4 of my mirror sites and I opened up 8 more to replace. When I could get back on line I edited out the quote, the 6 word phrase and the sensitive material and superplod has since left me alone. I have now replaced the original mirror sites. Superplod gave up when they were confronted by my Russian site. It is all in Russian so any email that they make to that site to have my files removed would in all probability have to be in Russian. The only solution they could see was to get local plod to arrest me. So all they have achieved in the end is confirm the sensitivity of the Oldbury address. They hounded my sites while there was reference to a 5 year-old newspaper report connected by a commonplace 6 word phrase to some addresses in Birmingham. All special branch have done is confirmed the secret nature and identity of one of the crown jewels. I had put a number of possible addresses on my site but the print-out before us had had one of the addresses edited out, what a give-away.

I pass on the following without any added comment from myself and they will have to charge the likes of the FSS and home-office with some sort of nonsense inchoate offence, preceded by the source URL in the public domain.

(ix) The National Audit Office's report highlighted eight serious security breaches at FSS premises over the previous two years, which included an arson attack at the Wetherby laboratory resulting in £750, 000 of damage and the loss of all available forensic evidence in 37 cases, some involving serious offences. We are concerned that no one was held accountable for these lapses in security. Staff have a personal responsibility to comply with security requirements, and the FSS should in future be prepared to take appropriate disciplinary action against staff whose inattention to these requirements leads to security breaches (paragraph 27).
(x) FSS premises contain items of value to criminals, whether in the form of forensic evidence or quantities of controlled drugs. There is a risk that organised criminals will try to infiltrate the FSS. The FSS should draw on the experience of other agencies dealing with the criminal community, both in this country and overseas, on how this risk can best be addressed (paragraph 28).
several serious security breaches have occurred. One of these, an arson attack at the Wetherby site, destroyed items of forensic evidence and had severe financial consequences for the FSS. Independent security reviews concluded there was a need for improved security at FSS sites. The FSS has already acted on some of the recommendations of the most recent review and had set an action plan to improve physical security and security practices over the three years from 1997.
3. The FSS failed this target in 1996-97 due to an arson attack at Wetherby, which severely disrupted services, and the delayed commissioning of the second DNA analysis unit in London.
First published on Wednesday 31 March 1999: Wetherby forensic lab criticised for poor security The Forensic Science Service was urged today by MPs to step up security to stop thefts of vital evidence and drugs from its laboratories, including the one it runs at Wetherby.
The Commons Public Accounts Committee said a National Audit Office report had highlighted eight serious security breaches at FSS premises over the previous two years.
These included an arson attack at the Wetherby lab which caused £750, 000 of damage, and the loss of all available forensic evidence in 37 cases, some involving serious offences.
There have also been at least three thefts of drugs from the Metropolitan laboratory. MPs said today they were "concerned" no-one had been held responsible for the security breaches and "dismayed" the FSS had failed to take timely action after a 1991 security review.
They warned: "FSS premises contain items of value to criminals, whether in the form of forensic evidence or quantities of controlled drugs. There is a risk that organised criminals will try to infiltrate the FSS.
"The FSS should draw on the experience of other agencies dealing with the criminal community, both in this country and overseas, on how this risk can best be addressed."
During evidence sessions, the FSS agreed with the committee's suggestion that it take advice from the US on drug organisations' attempts to infiltrate criminal justice agencies.
The FSS became a Government agency in 1991, since when its caseload has risen by about 50 per cent to some 97, 000 cases a year and is expected to keep growing.
MPs said the Home Office had assured it the FSS was managing the workload without compromising quality. But the FSS met only 72 per cent of delivery dates agreed with customers in 1997-98 against a target of 90 per cent. It expected to achieve 80 per cent in 1998-99 but had so far achieved only 74 per cent. Noting the FSS was taking steps to improve delivery, MPs warned: "Delays in making results available may impair the effectiveness of criminal investigations."§=&SortOrder=desc&SortField=Date&Submit1=Search&BackDD=Day&BackMM=Month&BackYY=Year&source=thetimes&SortField=Pub&SortOrder=asc&SortField=EDN&SortOrder=asc&SortField=Page&SortOrder=asc&ST=NS&SortSpec=&ResultMaxDocs=100&Site=ALL&Collection=NI&ResultCount=20&summreqd=yes&indexkey=30A10472783946822935E180
The Times
WED 13 NOV 1996
Ed: 4m1 Pg: 7 Word Count: 63
Arson fear at police science lab; News in Brief
A fire at the Forensic Science Service laboratory in Wetherby, Yorkshire, on Monday night may have been started deliberately in an attempt to destroy evidence, the Home Office believes. The laboratory is one of seven serving police forces throughout ...
8.9 During 1996/97 an arson attack at Wetherby damaged part of the laboratory site and, in particular, impacted on DNA delivery. This had repercussions throughout the organisation. However, contingency plans were put into operation and disruption to customers was minimised. The estimated cost of the fire was £0.8m. This is the first time anything of this nature has occurred. As a result, security reviews in progress at the time were expedited and their recommendations have been accepted. Plans are also being developed to increase the general level of security throughout the FSS. Howdenhall, Scotland , 18 Feb 2010 "Lothian and Borders Police said that a masked man threw incendiary devices at several windows on the ground floor of the building before escaping in a getaway vehicle driven by another man. Residents reported hearing banging noises from within the building at the time of the attack."
I estimate at least 50 police man- hours spent chasing scotch mist. You would think they have better things to do, but obviously not the case in Hampshire Constabulary. Just for the record this oh-so-sensitive information is printed on page 229 of the HMSO "National Asset Register, 2001" in any major UK library
Frontispiece states "Presented to Parliament by the Prime Minister, by command of Her Majesty, July 2001"
Also on the internet at HM Treasury site
Named with inspired lunacy after Professor Sir Alec Jeffreys the inventor of DNA profiling note not Jeffrey's in the address.
Oldbury Facility, Jeffreys House, 1 Wharfside, Rounds Green Road, Oldbury, West Midlands, B69 2BU: a purpose built industrial building used partly as a store and partly fitted as office and laboratory space. Occupied from 1997 on a 20-year lease until 2017; 1012 square metres.
And further background again in the public domain from 5 May 2001 New Scientist Pages 10-12. (archive free but registration required)
The DNA Police
By David Concar
IN THE US, it would be protected by steel doors and armed guards. In Britain, anonymity does the job. Tucked away on an industrial estate near Birmingham, you'd scarcely know the brick-and-glass building was there-let alone that it houses the biggest collection of human DNA in the world. A collection that's getting bigger and more contentious-by the day. For years, police in Britain have been quietly exercising their right to collect saliva swabs from almost anyone they take into custody. Those swabs now fill scores of industrial freezers in the basement of the anonymous looking building. Upstairs, a database holds over a million DNA profiles based on these samples. And because crime never stops, up to 3000 new samples arrive every day.
End Quote
So much for anonymity one arm of government tries keeping it secret and the same time another arm is publishing the address. No wonder they don't like the idea of open government - they can't keep the wraps on information as it is.
They have to have this backstop of stored DNA samples for everyone profiled because the science is flakey. No one can be sure a particular DNA profile truly represents a DNA sample until it is multiple-tested. They also need it for cross-comparison on international database trawls.

I don't know the identity of these dangerous plod who go around arresting people for having information in their possession that is firmly in the public domain. Also for taking the word of corrupt Wiltshire social workers who at least Wiltshire plod know to be corrupt. You can perm 5 from the following list of plod known to operate recently from the same station. They're presumably all tarred with the same brush.
DI Richard (Dick) PEARSON
DC Roger VIVIAN (now there's a connection)
Sgt Michelle COOK
DC Stephen WHITE
Det Sgt Richard ROWLEDGE
Sgt Tony DAVIS
The eldest one of the lot was the one who arrested a Mark Hansen (Mark David W. Hansen, age 44, died sometime before Nov 2000) and killed himself in the New Forest the next day, probably a Terry Bailey.

If you find all the above story hard to believe then wait until you read the following story concerning the weird and wonderful practises of Wiltshire Social Services. Another true story that would be impossible to invent Keith Andrews 04 May, 2000 Was, 4273, 4014426, 00.html If this article fails to emerge from the Guardian archive then try clicking again.
Incidently an example of a well researched piece of journalism. If the anonymous informer on Mr Andrews had revealed his identity then he too would probably would have been prosecuted as an administrative convenience. That way they could have carried on in their own gullible indifference.

Log of sites/files had taken down by the opposition in Wiltshire

Now only readable by using the "Wayback Machine" The Internet Archive and putting in the search box the original URL

20 Nov 2001
Hello Paul Nutteing, Your web site is in violation of our Acceptable Use Policy. Specifically, your page contained material or content that is racist or otherwise offensive to others, including content which aggravates, harasses, threatens, defames, or abuses others. If you have any questions, you may refer to our Acceptable Use Policy located at Regards, Abuse Team
Post script
In June 2002 they informed this freeservers site was available to re-use so I have now resurrected it. I do hate these "file not found" statements due to corrupt people trying to suppress information.

10 April 2002
Dear User, We have received a number of complaints about the allegedly defamatory content of your postings regarding { }. We must remind you that the Freeserve user conditions subject to which Freeserve is made available to you require you not to use Freeserve "to transmit or post any material which is defamatory, offensive or of an obscene or menacing character, or which may, in our judgement, cause annoyance, inconvenience or anxiety to any person." Your postings regarding { } put Freeserve at risk of libel proceedings and accordingly we will be suspending your { ) website as of 09:30 April{10}th 2002. However, if we receive your written undertaking that you will remove the allegedly defamatory content from your website, then we will be happy to reinstate your { ) website. Kind Regards Freeserve Webmaster

They're still at it
November 14 2002 was pulled down. So and 2 more off shore sites started by me. Why do these people want this material propagated all over the place.

Rogues Gallery

 Naomi Dawson  Fian Dawson ?
The above pictures show Naomi Leafe Dawson or Naomi Constant or whatever she calls herself now and a picture of someone (before she started lying) (sound recording)
she referred to as being identical to her brother - a teenage picture of myself. Take my face and replace the eyes with her mother's eyes and you get the daughter.
 Dr  Ray Jones
Raymond Leonard Jones aka Ray Jones ex-director of Wiltshire Social Services now CEO of the qango, the so-called Social Care Institute for Excellence. Sorry no he could only hack that for 7 months and well what do you know he is turning up like a bad penny to Wiltshire Social Services in or after August 2002.
 Stella Constant
The sub-human of a mother Stella Maria CONSTANT - I don't have a recent picture of this person.
For a non-pixelised image -of S M Constant on a more suitable site please click here

 Det. Insp. Sean Memory
Det. Insp. Sean Memory

To summarise the whole piece. These files stay on the internet exposing a group of very dangerous characters until:
Kelvin Derrick DAWSON and Stella Maria CONSTANT come up with independent evidence that they were living together between January and May 1978 to show they did not commit perjury. There is now on the second of these files in the area of the photographic evidence, unimpeachable forensically admissible dated evidence that S M CONSTANT was still living with me after 27th February 1978.
Kelvin Derrick DAWSON commits perjury again by signing registry office form LA1. Until he does he is not legally the father of Fian Gerald DAWSON, not having adopted him either.
Naomi Leafe DAWSON / CONSTANT shows me the letters I sent to hotels in Leicester trying to find where she lived and the evidence I checked her credit history.
Fian Gerald DAWSON convinces me that his phone-call of 04 Sept 1999 was reasonable and that his blood group is compatible with that of Kelvin Dawson and incompatible with mine and that he does not have the inherited medical condition of mesomelia.
John Barton STODDART, South Wilts area manager of Wilts social services, shows that letter JBS1 is my writing and signature.
Raymond Leonard JONES aka Dr Ray JONES demonstrates he is competent to be director of Wiltshire Social Services or even just Head of Adult and Community Services. Specifically he shows that he obtained forensically admissible evidence from all available sources before trying to bring in the police and CPS.
In relation to Stella Maria CONSTANT going around smashing windows and destroying her own family
Code of Practice for Social Care Workers and Code of Practice for Employers of Social Care Workers
5 As a social care worker, you must uphold public trust and confidence in social care services. In particular you must not: ...
5.8 Behave in a way, in work or outside work, which would call into question your suitability to work in social care services.

Until section 82 of the 2001 Criminal Justice and Police Act is repealed. While I am still deemed a criminal because of section 82 of the 2001 Criminal Justice and Police Act and Birmingham Forensic Science Service and the perjurous and corrupt actions of others then this material stays in hyper-space. I have found nothing in Hansard relating to discussion of this section 82 in parliament so in my books that makes it an illegal imposition.

Not one of the above has satisfied the relevant criteria and it is now, of writing, January 2002 a year and three months since I was arrested also two years since this all went in the public domain on the internet. It is now five years since S M Constant started lying in earnest to the whole of her family. I have informed close family, extended family, social services and now the public domain. As usual with these sorts of matters nothing will be done until after this nutter jumps off a cliff. The irony is I will be the only one without a guilty conscience being the only one actively doing anything constructive. Prosecuting the whistleblower solves nothing. In any dispute one side or other must be lying. The only way to get nearer the truth is to rely on incontrovertable documentary evidence and testimony from totally independent people i.e. not friends or family. I would have thought if social services were functioning professionally they should have requested my evidence. I could get a vicar, or some-such trusted but independent third party, to make certified copies of my evidence. Give this vicar the names, addresses, phone numbers of my defence witnesses to verify their bona fides and get him to send on copies with identifications removed to social services.
Outside a court environment with such corruption around I could not allow direct contact with the people who were good enough to make affidavits etc in my favour. Especially when there is a dangerous nutter still on the loose in Salisbury who believes in smashing windows and violence.

A principal tenet of the Peter Principle (Lawrence Peter, 1970) " People are promoted to their level of incompetence "

Wiltshire Social Services in practise
A useful site for checking social worker registration details
There is a systemic failing within social services. See the cases of Lauren Wright Lauren Wright and Norfolk Social Services was, 1074, 561496, 00.html , 01 Oct 2001, Ainlee Walker and Newham Social Services, Victoria Climbie and Haringey Social Services and John Anthony Smith and Brighton and Hove Social Services; social workers John Barrow and David Pamely sacked in July 2002. Barrow and Pamely ... ...
... ... and come-uppence
For social services failures add the cases of Maria Colwell, Jasmine Beckford and Rikki Neave.
Social workers go along with unsubstantiated hearsay from directly involved parties rather than testimony from independent third parties and incontrovertible evidence. Someone comes up with plausible and reasonable statements of explanation ;the very people who have made a lifetime's practise of lying and manipulating and social workers get taken-in hook, line and sinker.
In any investigation by social services the golden rule should be - everyone is a liar until proven otherwise by independent proper forensically admissible evidence.

Email by ( removing 4 of the 5 dots )
or email Paul Nutteing, remove all but one dot
Or a message on usenet group has got to me recently a couple of times.
My original accounts and the nutteing2@quickfindit account are now dead.

If you have found this file in an archive then put keyword of "nutteing" in a search engine to find an updated version, also some sites do not support the .wav sound files.

For anyone with further interest in this story then copies of the affidavits, documentary evidence, photos or even taped phone calls, used as evidence, could be made available. Obviously, outside a court environment, some identifying features would have to be deleted.

Oh What a Tangled Web We Weave 70K

All the actual witness statements for the forthcoming trial can be found by clicking here Pre-Trial Witness Statements and evidence 150K

Continuation of the sorry tale , nutteing2 The Saga Continues, nutteing3

Folie à Deux, Dissociation and Crime 40K, nutteing4

Setting-up Mirror Sites , nutteing6

DNA profiles and their implications, dnapr, nutteingd

This file as it was in 2001 on the first mirror site before the Wiltshire opposition had it taken down

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